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Activists, and the hijacking of a cycleway

The debate ended, rather well as it happens, and there he was: right in my face. The activist. He’d taken exception to my small contribution to our local “town hall” meeting and had made a bee-line for me as soon as the ripple of applause had dissolved into chatter and movement.

Despite the fixed smile, his eyes blazed with confrontation. My amygdala triggered, a frisson of fear ran through me: was he going to get physical, I wondered? But no, his intention was far more proselytising. Having singled me out, he was going to personally convert me. Of the 400 or so people in the hall (the vast majority on my side), I’d touched a nerve by stating that the mess Hackney Borough Council found itself in was due to the hijacking of their worthy plans by pressure-group activists. [...] Full blog post here

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